Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Copelan's 1 Month in Heaven!

My heart is hurting today, more so than usual when I think of Baby Copelan. It's his 1 month in Heaven and I can't help but think of how happy he must be. I hate to see my baby hurting, but thank the lord he wasn't feeling well today so I stayed home from class with him. Otherwise I would probably be a basket case in class this morning. I never got to meet Copelan, and I'm not a family member but my heart is crushed, it's barely 9 am and I have already had several crying spurts. I can't even begin to fathom how his parents are feeling at this moment or how the rest of their day will progress. But I am praying for them and I hope they are surrounded by love and compassion. And I hope they know that Copelan will always be in my heart. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's been a while!!

It has been a while since I have posted anything, it seems like it has been crazy busy but at the same time there hasn't been much going on! I only have 2 classes this semester but I have so much busy work. But these 2 semesters back in school have been nice, I enjoy being around all the people and feeling like my brain is going again! This last week of school for the boys before spring break seems to be dragging by and it's only Tuesday. Jeff's baby sister is being induced today so I should have another niece by this time tomorrow!! I can't wait to meet her! And on top of that my hubby is leaving on Monday to go to PA for work. He will be gone 3 to 6 wks! :( But it will fly by after spring break is over. I've kicked my running back into gear. I was doing a lot there for a while and then slowed down because I just couldn't find the time! But it feels so good to be back at it. I've only been doing about 3 1/2 miles at a time, hope to kick it up soon. I feel so much better after a good run! :)